Living the Dharma in Community 🏠💻

a circular formation of six stylized human figures, each differentiated by a distinct color: dark blue, red, cyan, orange, dark gray, and yellow. Each figure has a round head and an arm extending towards the center, suggesting connection and unity. The figures are evenly spaced around a central object, which is a stylized purple lotus flower with gradient shading from light to dark purple. The background is white, highlighting the colorful elements in the image.

Friends, we are delighted to announce that our next 7-month deep dive dharma program is open for registration. Living the Dharma in Community (LDC) supports participants to deepen their formal practice and to integrate the dharma into their daily life through study, reflection, and community practice.

Our theme this year will be The Path to Awakening: Exploring the Seven Factors of Enlightenment. The Seven Factors of Awakening are important qualities both on retreat and in daily life. Cultivating and balancing these factors support insight and freedom, understood as the highest happiness. We will also explore liberation teachings themselves, including Liberative Dependent Origination, emptiness, awareness, and not-self. This course will be situated in the context of our lives: how can these teachings support us in wisdom in the midst of all that is happening in the world.

Living the Dharma in Community combines the wisdom of study, reflection, and practice together. The course includes:

  • 7 two-hour monthly-ish sessions (in-person or online) combining dharma talks, small group reflections, and relational practice. Participants have shared that one of the highlights of this course is the relational practice, which truly supports dharma friendship.
  • Monthly home reflections, including sutta study, reading, audio resources, practice suggestions and reflection questions following each session.
  • Connecting with dharma buddies.
  • Optional daily support for integration during the month of January with Andrea Grzesina.
  • Optional practice talks with Jeanne Corrigal.

Hear Jeanne and Andrea talk more about this program:

Dates and times

For online folks, click links for conversion into other time zones.

In person (Thursdays)
7-9 pm
Online (Thursdays)
7-9 pm Sask time
(links other time zones)
Sep 26Oct 3 (6-8 PDT/9-11 EDT)
Oct 24Nov 7 (5-7 PST/8-10 EST)
Nov 28Dec 5 (5-7 PST/8-10 EST)
Jan 30Feb 6 (5-7 PST/8-10 EST)
Feb 27Mar 6 (5-7 PST/8-10 EST)
Mar 27Apr 3 (6-8 PDT/9-11 EDT)
Apr 24May 8 (6-8 PDT/9-11 EDT)

Course fees

Administration fee:
The administration fee paid at the time of registration helps cover the administrative costs for SIMC.

Teacher dana/donation:
The registration fee does not include teacher support – there will be an opportunity to offer dana to our teacher Jeanne Corrigal. Jeanne will also share your generosity with our supporting dharma leader, Andrea Grzesina. See dana information below.


Register for the in-person offering

Register for the online offering

Course Teacher

Jeanne Corrigal with shoulder length curly hair, wearing a blue top with lighter blue scarf - standing in front of an evergreen tree.

Jeanne Corrigal is the guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community, and a graduate of the 2017-2021 IMS teacher training program. She has trained primarily in the Burmese lineage of Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw, with a great affinity for the Thai Forest Tradition of Ajahn Buddhadasa and for the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. She is a certified MBSR teacher, is certified with Indigenous Focusing Oriented Trauma Therapy (IFOT), and she has trained with Mindful Schools and Somatic Experiencing. She has taught with Mindfulness Magazine, Lion’s Roar and Tricycle’s online programs, and teaches across North America. She is Metis, and one of her first teachers in loving presence was Cree Elder Jim Settee.

Some words about the practice of dana

We often have queries about what might be an appropriate range for any financial dana offering to the teachers, that you might wish to make. Before we consider this, it is really important to know that the teaching of dana is a liberation teaching, because it is an intentional opportunity to practice generosity, which can directly erode the habit in the mind of grasping. The Buddha invites us to tune into the joy of dana, the joy of giving, before, during and after… so please, see this as a joy and liberation practice!

One of the gifts of dana is that it is optional, and if people decide to give in this way, they can give according to their means. And at the same time, asking about a range is a reasonable question… in Asia, folks often have an idea of how much is needed to support a teacher’s “requisites”, but in the west, we don’t have the same kind of guidelines, and folks in the west can be left a little bit out at sea in this area.

Offering guidance can be sensitive, as everyone’s circumstances are different. That said, in order to support the teachings, we offer these guidelines as a place to start, and those who wish to give in this way can move up or down on the scale, according to their means.

One guideline is to give the amount that brings you joy, knowing that your dana is supporting the Dharma to carry on (while being aware of not breaking the bank 🙂). One may also seek guidance by looking at the fees that are charged for similar events of workshops in our culture. Movies now cost $15 or more; yoga classes often $15/hour; in addition, workshop leaders are often compensated in recognition of the time it takes to prepare materials, the presentation, as well as their expertise.

Perhaps a helpful starting point for our sessions would be $30 – $40 per class. (This would be a range of something like $210 – $280 for the program). For one-on-one practice talks with Jeanne, a range of $35 – $50 per meeting could be a good range to consider.

Please feel free to offer less than this in order to ensure your participation, knowing that your presence and any financial contribution are valued. Please feel free to offer more, if you are able, and it brings you joy to support others and the program in this precious way. Feel free to offer monthly or once or twice during the course – whatever works for you. And, please know that we are very grateful for both the dana of your presence in the program, and your financial dana; both danas contribute to our capacity to continue teaching. You can feel that your support is supporting the Dharma. Thank you.

If you wish to offer your generosity to support Jeanne and our community, please visit our dana page to find details.

More information about the LDC

This program supports a shift from seeing the dharma as something we fit into our lives, to seeing our life through the lens of the dharma: the movement from having a spiritual practice to having a spiritual life. This is not about changing our lives, but rather changing our relationship with life. This program is offered in support of each of us living fully, with an open heart, expanding kindness, and wisdom and care for the world. Living the Dharma in Community combines the wisdom of study, reflection, and practice together.

This annual course is designed both for new participants and as a progressive deepening for those who join over multiple years. Currently we plan a rotation over 6 years, spiralling round to the first themes again in year 7. You can join in any year, and deepen through more than one 6 year cycle, coming to the first themes again with lived understanding. This can be a way of really seeing the deepening of our practice, over time. There are in-person and online options.

Living the Dharma in Community 🏠💻

Friends, we are delighted to announce that our 9-month deep dive dharma program is open for registration. Living the Dharma in Community (LDC) supports participants to deepen their formal practice and to integrate the dharma into their daily life. There are in-person and online options.

(Please note: this replaces the Community Circle Program)

Good friends, companions, and associates are the whole of the spiritual life.
The Buddha to Ananda, Upaddha Sutta: Half the Spiritual Life, SN 45.2

Six colorful icons representing head and shoulders/arms of people make a circle. Inside the circle is a triple spiral.

This program supports a shift from seeing the dharma as something we fit into our lives, to seeing our life through the lens of the dharma: the movement from having a spiritual practice to having a spiritual life. This is not about changing our lives, but rather changing our relationship with life. This program is offered in support of each of us living fully, with an open heart, expanding kindness, and wisdom and care for the world. Living the Dharma in Community combines the wisdom of study, reflection, and practice together.

Our theme this year is the ever-deepening and liberating teaching of the Four Noble Truths, with a special emphasis on the 3rd Noble Truth of Nibbana.

This teaching can be easy to list cognitively and challenging to understand in an embodied way. This year will give us a precious opportunity to slow down and sense into this process of freedom deeply and naturally. If you are in the early stages of your practice, this can orient your practice from a firm foundation. If you are an experienced practitioner, this will offer the chance to feel into these liberating practices in new ways and invite awakening as your own lived experience.

This time of practice in community is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

The course includes:

  • 7 online 2 hour sessions combining dharma talks, small group reflections, and relational practice
  • Home reflections, including sutta study, reading, audio resources, practice suggestions and reflection questions follow each session
  • Dharma buddies
  • Practice talks with Jeanne Corrigal

Dates and times

For online folks, click links for conversion into other time zones.

In person (Mondays)
7-9 pm
Online (Mondays)
7-9 pm Sask time
Sep 25October 2
Oct 23October 30
Nov 20November 27
Jan 8January 15
Mar 4March 11
Apr 8April 15
Apr 29May 6

Course fees

Administration fee:
The administration fee paid at the time of registration helps cover the administrative costs for SIMC.

Teacher dana/donation:
The registration fee does not include teacher support – there will be an opportunity to offer dana to Jeanne. See dana information below.


Register for the in-person offering

Register for the online offering

Course Teacher

Jeanne Corrigal with shoulder length curly hair, wearing a blue top with lighter blue scarf - standing in front of an evergreen tree.

Jeanne Corrigal is the guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community, and a graduate of the 2017-2021 IMS teacher training program. She deeply appreciates metta and nature based practices. She has been practicing since 1999, and is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioner and Community Dharma Leader Programs. Jeanne is certified with Indigenous Focusing Oriented Trauma Therapy (IFOT), is a certified MBSR teacher, and she has trained with Mindful Schools and Somatic Experiencing. She is Metis, and one of her first teachers in loving presence was Cree Elder Jim Settee.

Some words about the practice of dana

We often have queries about what might be an appropriate range for any financial dana offering to the teachers, that you might wish to make. Before we consider this, it is really important to know that the teaching of dana is a liberation teaching, because it is an intentional opportunity to practice generosity, which can directly erode the habit in the mind of grasping. The Buddha invites us to tune into the joy of dana, the joy of giving, before, during and after… so please, see this as a joy and liberation practice!

One of the gifts of dana is that it is optional, and if people decide to give in this way, they can give according to their means. And at the same time, asking about a range is a reasonable question… in Asia, folks often have an idea of how much is needed to support a teacher’s “requisites”, but in the west, we don’t have the same kind of guidelines, and folks in the west can be left a little bit out at sea in this area.

Offering guidance can be sensitive, as everyone’s circumstances are different. That said, in order to support the teachings, we offer these guidelines as a place to start, and those who wish to give in this way can move up or down on the scale, according to their means.

One guideline is to give the amount that brings you joy, knowing that your dana is supporting the Dharma to carry on (while being aware of not breaking the bank 🙂). One may also seek guidance by looking at the fees that are charged for similar events of workshops in our culture. Movies now cost $15 or more; yoga classes often $15/hour; in addition, workshop leaders are often compensated in recognition of the time it takes to prepare materials, the presentation, as well as their expertise.

Perhaps a helpful starting point for our sessions would be $30 – $40 per class. (This would be a range of something like $210 – $280 for the program). For one-on-one practice talks with Jeanne, a range of $35 – $50 per meeting could be a good range to consider.

Please feel free to offer less than this in order to ensure your participation, knowing that your presence and any financial contribution are valued. Please feel free to offer more, if you are able, and it brings you joy to support others and the program in this precious way. Feel free to offer monthly or once or twice during the course – whatever works for you. And, please know that we are very grateful for both the dana of your presence in the program, and your financial dana; both danas contribute to our capacity to continue teaching. You can feel that your support is supporting the Dharma. Thank you.

If you wish to offer your generosity to support Jeanne and our community, please visit our dana page to find details.

Community Circles

Good friends, companions, and associates are the whole of the spiritual life. A [practitioner] with good friends, companions, and associates can expect to develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path.
The Buddha to Ananda, Upaddha Sutta: Half the Spiritual Life, SN 45.2

You are warmly invited to our Community Circles: The Eightfold Path to a Wholehearted Life. Our Community Circle courses are immersions in the dharma, with spiritual friends.

Six colorful icons representing head and shoulders/arms of people make a circle. Inside the circle is a triple spiral. The outer circle represents the community support cultivated by this program, and the inner spirals represent the three themes of the eightfold path - wisdom, harmonious relations, and practice.

This is a time for us to gather as a dedicated cohort, and to engage in small groups to explore the dharma with gentle relational practices.

This year, we will immerse in the foundational teaching of the eightfold path. This teaching shows us how to make our whole life a path of practice. The path includes three spirals of teachings, beginning with panna, the Pali word for wisdom, which includes wise view about where peace and liberation lie, and wise intention, which can guide us in the journey. The second spiral is sila, or harmonious relations, where we bring our wisdom into our speech, action, and livelihood. Then from this foundation, the third teaching on samadhi spirals into wise effort, mindfulness, and concentration, which in turn further deepen our understanding and commitment to wise view. All three spirals influence and deepen each other. As we continue to practice, we spiral deeper in the embodiment of the path.

This 7-month program starts October 2022. It includes monthly meetings, monthly home reflections and readings, weekly check-ins with practice buddies, as well as commitment to your own individual practice. In addition, practice talks with Jeanne can deeply anchor your practice, and we recommend 3-5 twenty-five minute meetings with Jeanne during the program.

We will be offering two options for this program: an in-person series, for people in/near Saskatoon, and an online series.

Dates and times

Monthly meeting dates are as listed below. Each session runs 7-9 pm Saskatchewan time (click links for conversion into other time zones).

In personOnline
October 24October 31
November 21November 28
January 9January 16
February 6February 13
March 6March 13
April 3April 17
May 1May 15

This time of practice in community is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

Course fees

Administration fee:
The administration fee paid at the time of registration helps cover the administrative costs for SIMC.

Teacher dana/donation:
The registration fee does not include teacher support – there will be an opportunity to offer dana to Jeanne. See dana information below.


This program is now underway. Please email us if you want to be on the waitlist for a future offering.

Course Teacher

Jeanne Corrigal is the guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community, and a graduate of the 2017-2021 IMS teacher training program. She deeply appreciates metta and nature based practices. She has been practicing since 1999, and is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioner and Community Dharma Leader Programs. Jeanne is certified with Indigenous Focusing Oriented Trauma Therapy (IFOT), is a certified MBSR teacher, and she has trained with Mindful Schools and Somatic Experiencing. She is Metis, and one of her first teachers in loving presence was Cree Elder Jim Settee.

Some words about the practice of dana

We often have queries about what might be an appropriate range for any financial dana offering to the teachers, that you might wish to make. Before we consider this, it is really important to know that the teaching of dana is a liberation teaching, because it is an intentional opportunity to practice generosity, which can directly erode the habit in the mind of grasping. The Buddha invites us to tune into the joy of dana, the joy of giving, before, during and after… so please, see this as a joy and liberation practice!

One of the gifts of dana is that it is optional, and if people decide to give in this way, they can give according to their means. And at the same time, asking about a range is a reasonable question… in Asia, folks often have an idea of how much is needed to support a teacher’s “requisites”, but in the west, we don’t have the same kind of guidelines, and folks in the west can be left a little bit out at sea in this area.

Offering guidance can be sensitive, as everyone’s circumstances are different. That said, in order to support the teachings, we offer these guidelines as a place to start, and those who wish to give in this way can move up or down on the scale, according to their means.

One guideline is to give the amount that brings you joy, knowing that your dana is supporting the Dharma to carry on (while being aware of not breaking the bank 🙂). One may also seek guidance by looking at the fees that are charged for similar events of workshops in our culture. Movies now cost $15 or more; yoga classes often $15/hour; in addition, workshop leaders are often compensated in recognition of the time it takes to prepare materials, the presentation, as well as their expertise.

Perhaps a helpful starting point for our sessions would be $30 – $40 per class. (This would be a range of something like $210 – $280 for the program). For one-on-one practice talks with Jeanne, a range of $35 – $50 per meeting could be a good range to consider.

Please feel free to offer less than this in order to ensure your participation, knowing that your presence and any financial contribution are valued. Please feel free to offer more, if you are able, and it brings you joy to support others and the program in this precious way. Feel free to offer monthly or once or twice during the course – whatever works for you. And, please know that we are very grateful for both the dana of your presence in the program, and your financial dana; both danas contribute to our capacity to continue teaching. You can feel that your support is supporting the Dharma. Thank you.

If you wish to offer your generosity to support Jeanne and our community, please visit our dana page to find details.

Cancelled: Gentle Reflections on Death

I am disappointed to share that we are cancelling our program for this year, as we only have 5 registrants and that just doesn’t feel like enough for a good group – we had hoped for 10, in order to have some good group dynamics.

We want to support your interest in this important reflection, though, and plan to continue to offer this reflection in the sangha. We will hold a half day session of Closer Than We Think at the end of March. Also, if online interests you, Jeanne and Nikki Mirghafori will be offering an online class called Living With The Wisdom of Death through IMS (Insight Meditation Society) on Thursday evenings in February and March. We will share the registration for both of these in our sangha emails and they will be posted on our website.

Perhaps this talk by Jeanne will also be helpful:

A community exploration of how we prepare for, and support each other, in the transition of dying & the moment of death

A gravel path covered with leaves with the silhouettes of two people standing beside each other and waving.

This class is our continued reflection on death awareness, which feels like an important, life giving reflection to continue to deepen. This group will explore different territory from our first rendition last year. It is designed for those who are new to this reflection, and will also offer a deepening for those who took it last year. We see this as an ever evolving and nourishing practice.

This is an in-person program, although we will pivot to online if necessary.

Lead by Jeanne Corrigal, guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community.

Dates and times

6 sessions, including 5 evenings and 1 day long
Mondays 7 pm – 9 pm CST, Oct 17, Nov 14, Dec 12, Feb 27, Mar 27
Daylong, Saturday, January 14, 9 am – 4 pm CST

Course fees

Administration fee:
The administration fee paid at the time of registration helps cover the administrative costs for SIMC.

Teacher dana/donation:
The registration fee does not include teacher support – there will be an opportunity to offer dana to Jeanne. See dana information below.


This is an in-person program, although we will pivot to online if necessary.
Address will be sent out as part of the registration confirmation.

Course Prerequisite

Basic familiarity with Insight Meditation practice, and a commitment to a daily practice, because of the need to steady the mind and heart as we reflect on this material.


Please register here:

For more information, contact:

Course teacher

Jeanne Corrigal is the guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community, and a graduate of the 2017-2021 IMS teacher training program. She deeply appreciates metta and nature based practices. She has been practicing since 1999, and is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioner and Community Dharma Leader Programs. Jeanne is certified with Indigenous Focusing Oriented Trauma Therapy (IFOT), is a certified MBSR teacher, and she has trained with Mindful Schools and Somatic Experiencing. She is Metis, and one of her first teachers in loving presence was Cree Elder Jim Settee.

Some words about the practice of dana

We often have queries about what might be an appropriate range for any financial dana offering to the teachers that you might wish to make. Before we consider this, it is really important to know that the teaching of dana is a liberation teaching, because it is an intentional opportunity to practice generosity, which can directly erode the habit in the mind of grasping. The Buddha invites us to tune into the joy of dana, the joy of giving, before, during and after… So please, see this as a joy and liberation practice!

One of the gifts of dana is that it is optional, and if people decide to give in this way, they can give according to their means. And at the same time, asking about a range is a reasonable question… in Asia, folks often have an idea of how much is needed to support a teacher’s “requisites”, but in the west, we don’t have the same kind of guidelines, and folks in the west can be left a little bit out at sea in this area.

Offering guidance can be sensitive, as everyone’s circumstances are different. That said, in order to support the teachings, we offer these guidelines as a place to start, and those who wish to give in this way can move up or down on the scale, according to their means.

One guideline is to give the amount that brings you joy, knowing that your dana is supporting the Dharma to carry on. (while being aware of not breaking the bank 🙂) One may also seek guidance by looking at the fees that are charged for similar events or workshops in our culture. Movies now cost $15 or more; yoga classes often $15/hour; in addition, workshop leaders are often compensated in recognition of the time it takes to prepare materials, the presentation, as well as their expertise.

Perhaps a helpful starting point for our sessions would be $30 – $40 per class, with a greater contribution for the daylong. (This would be a range of something like $240 – $320 for the year). Please feel free to offer less than this in order to ensure your participation, knowing that your presence and any financial contribution are valued. Please feel free to offer more, if you are able and it brings you joy to support others and the program in this precious way. Feel free to offer monthly or once or twice during the program — whatever works for you. And, please know that I am very grateful for both the dana of your presence in the program, and your financial dana; both danas contribute to my capacity to continue teaching. You can feel that your support is supporting the Dharma… Thank you.

Note that your dana is shared with any guest teachers.

If you wish to offer your generosity to support Jeanne and our community, please visit our dana page to find details.

Closer Than We Think

This is for a past event. For current events, please visit our Upcoming Events page.

A community exploration of how we prepare for, and support each other, in the transition of dying & the moment of death

This online 6-month course will deepen community as we inquire together into these important questions and how they can help us to live life more fully now. Our intention is to form small groups of 6-8 within the larger group, that will meet together in supportive inquiry for the length of the course.

Lead by Jeanne Corrigal, guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community.
Special guest Nikki Mirghafori will join us for session 3. Nikki is a senior teacher in the Theravada tradition, and one of her deep interests is the power of practicing with death awareness.

When: 6 sessions, including 5 evenings and 1 day long
Tuesdays 7 pm – 9 pm CST, Dec 7, Jan 11, Feb 8, April 12, May 10
Saturday, March 12 daylong, 10 am – 4 pm CST
See times in other zones, below.

There is no fee for this group, but purchase or accessibility to a foundational book, Awake At The Bedside: Contemplative Teachings on Palliative and End-of-Life Care, edited by Koshin Paley Ellison and Matt Weingast, is encouraged. Each session we will have short readings from this book, other readings, or audio selections for reflection.

Where: Online Zoom (link provided to registrants)

Cost: by dana/donation to support the teachers

Course Prerequisite: basic familiarity with Insight Meditation practice, and a commitment to a daily practice, because of the need to steady the mind and heart as we reflect on this material.

Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest. Send us an email if you would like to be on a waitlist for future offering.

For more information, contact:

Jeanne Corrigal is the guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community, and a graduate of the 2017-2021 IMS teacher training program. She deeply appreciates metta and nature based practices. She has been practicing since 1999, and is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioner and Community Dharma Leader Programs. Jeanne is certified with Indigenous Focusing Oriented Trauma Therapy (IFOT), is a certified MBSR teacher, and she has trained with Mindful Schools and Somatic Experiencing. She is Metis, and one of her first teachers in loving presence was Cree Elder Jim Settee.

Nikki Mirghafori, PhD, is a Buddhist teacher and Artificial Intelligence scientist. She is a lineage holder in the Theravada tradition, empowered by the Burmese master Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw, as well as the Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Insight Meditation Society, and the Insight Meditation Center. She serves on the Teachers Council and Board of Directors at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA, and also as a Teacher at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. She’s a Stanford-trained compassion cultivation instructor, a Berkeley ex-academic, and author. Nikki is of Persian heritage, and aspires to serve as a doula for wisdom and compassion.

Session times in other time zones

Tue Dec 7, Jan 11, Feb 8 7 pm-9pm8pm-10pm5pm-7pm
Sat Mar 12 daylong10am-4pm11am-5pm8am-2pm
Tue Apr 12, May 107 pm-9 pm9pm-11pm6pm-8pm
Session times in Saskatchewan, Eastern, and Pacific zone
Click links for each day to see a chart with times around the world

Living the Dharma Program (2018-2020)

This is for a past program. Please see the Living the Dharma in Community program in 2023-2024.

The intention of this program is to help participants deepen their formal practice and to integrate the dharma into their daily life. This program supports a shift from seeing the dharma as something we fit into our lives, to seeing our life through the lens of the dharma. This is the movement from having a spiritual practice to having a spiritual life. This is not about changing our lives, but rather changing our relationship with life. The Buddha teaches that through practice and understanding we can have less suffering, and the path points the way toward deep contentment and ease. This program is offered in support of each of us living fully, with an open heart, expanding kindness, and wisdom and care for the world. The program is based in the Buddhist Theravada, or Insight Meditation, tradition. It includes elements of study, reflection, discussion, one on one teacher support, and retreat.

Susie Harrington

Susie Harrington and Jeanne Corrigal will co-teach this program, in a unique way. Susie developed this program, modeled after Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Dedicated Practitioner Program (DPP), as a way of making the program accessible and financially feasible to a wider community. The core content of the program will be provided through pre-recorded dharma talks and guided meditations from Susie Harrington. Jeanne will be the live and in-person teacher, facilitator, and practice talk teacher. This program requires a one-year commitment. The full program is two years, with the option to commit for the second year at the end of the first.

Elements of the Program

(described in more detail following this list)

  • Monthly homework, dharma Buddy meeting, monthly group meetings with Jeanne, and ten half hour practice talks per year with Jeanne. The time commitment for this will be approximately 6-8 hours per month, with extra optional readings.
  • Three weekend residential retreats and two daylong retreats per year.
    • For the first year, the residential retreats are:
      November 23-25, 2018
      April 5-7, 2019
      November 22-24, 2019
    • Two day-long retreats (back to back): September 21 and 22, 2019

Topics covering essential dharma:

  1. First Year
    • The Four Noble Truths
    • The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
    • Awakening in the Body
    • Generosity
    • Wise Speech
    • Eightfold Path
    • Paramis
    • Relational Practice
    • Diversity and Privilege
    • Money, Work, and Livelihood
    • Working with Emotions
    • Qualities of the Heart: Metta, Karuna, Mudita, and Upekkha
  2. Second Year
    • Dependent Origination
    • Transcendent Dependent Origination
    • Fetters and Entanglements
    • Illness, Death, and Compassion
    • Karma
    • Creativity
    • Socially Engaged Buddhism
    • Intimacy, Relationships, and Authentic Communication
    • Emptiness and Awareness
    • The Bodhisattva Path and Awakening

Monthly Homework

A wide range of topics are covered in the homework. Some topics will be more oriented towards understanding the fundamental teachings of the Buddha, while others will be more about life integration. There will be questions to consider and reflect upon and suggested meditations. Bringing the reflections and practices into daily life situations will be the consistent theme throughout. Each month will have 2-6 short readings, including a mix of suttas from the Buddha, and from modern writers. Additional reading will be optional for those with more time or interest in a given topic.

Monthly group meetings

Once a month there will be a 1-hour group discussion with Jeanne, to explore the monthly homework topic. These will be in person for local practitioners; for practitioners who live outside of Saskatoon, we will set up a group Skype or Google Hangout meeting.

Dharma Buddy

Each person will be paired with at least one other person in the program and talk at least once every two weeks. This is an opportunity to discuss and work with the homework material and practices more intimately and in depth. This is a wonderful part of the program as it is where we can deeply and vulnerably explore our personal experience. The length and setting are up to the dharma buddies.

Individual practice talks

Each participant will have a half hour phone, Skype, or in person practice talk ten times during the year (approximately once every 5 weeks) with Jeanne, to explore practice and the monthly topic. Participants will be able to use an online scheduling tool to choose their times.


The retreats are an integral part of the program. The retreats will provide us with an opportunity to delve more deeply into topics, as well as create a community of support and deep dharma friends. The community we form and the long-term dharma friendships are a deeply enriching part of the program. There will be three weekend residential retreats per year exclusively for the program participants. There will also be two daylong retreats. On these retreats there will be a mix of silent practice, participatory and relational exercises, and discussion.

Program Requirements

  • At least one year of practice and at least one weekend or longer residential retreat, in the Insight Meditation Tradition.
    • If you do not have residential retreat experience, registration may be possible after a conversation with Jeanne.
  • Commitment to practice 6 days/week at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Commitment to all elements of the program – absences are inevitable, but the commitment to participation will deepen your experience as well as support the deepening of the group.
  • Commitment to the financial requirements and to the support of the teacher.
  • In addition to these commitments, you are encouraged to attend a minimum of one Insight Meditation residential retreat (of any length) in addition to the program retreats, during the period of the program. This will greatly support your practice.

Program Cost

Participants commit to one year of the program, to begin with. The full program is two years, with the option to commit for the second year at the end of the first.

The following estimated costs are for one year of the program (costs are subject to change):

1) $590 expenses, with optional additional $50 for scholarship contribution. This includes:

  • $220 – Three weekend residential retreats at Ancient Spirals, 10 miles south of Saskatoon
    (plus potluck food cost to be determined)
  • $ 20 – Two daylong retreats at McFarland House, Saskatoon
  • $300 – Administration fee, which will be shared between Susie Harrington, Jeanne Corrigal, and the program administrator/manager.
  • $ 50- additional cost to cushion for possible rise in above venue rates. This amount will be used for food costs at the Ancient Spirals retreat if it is not used during the program.
  • Optional – $50 scholarship contribution

2) Teacher support for Jeanne. In accordance with the tradition, Jeanne offers the teachings without a fee, (including the retreats, monthly homework, monthly group meetings, and 10 individual practice talks per person. This is a substantial commitment for Jeanne, and participant support through dana (also in accordance to tradition) will allow Jeanne to offer this program in all of its elements.)

There is no set donation for the teachings, and you may offer whatever you wish. At the same time, in Asia practitioners usually know the amounts that are needed to support a teacher, and so we offer this suggested guideline in the spirit of this tradition, and we will see what happens in this happy experiment. It is helpful to know that each retreat takes a teacher twice the length (or more) of the retreat to prepare for it.

  • Non-residential day long retreats: It is very helpful if these can somewhat average about $80 a person. Please feel free to offer less than this in order to ensure your participation, knowing that your presence and any financial contribution are valued. Please feel free to offer more, if you are able and it brings you joy to support others and the retreat in this precious way.
  • Residential retreats: It is very helpful if these can average about $200 a person. Please feel free to offer less than this in order to ensure your participation, knowing that your presence and any financial contribution are valued. Please feel free to offer more, if you are able and it brings you joy to support others and the retreat in this precious way.
  • Monthly homework, meetings, and practice talks: It is very helpful if these can average about $40 a person each month. Please feel free to offer less than this in order to ensure your participation, knowing that your presence and any financial contribution are valued. Please feel free to offer more, if you are able and it brings you joy to support others and the retreat in this precious way.


Program is currently at capacity. You can use the registration form to be added to the wait list.

Please fill out the online registration form at:
and make your expense payment by e-transfer, or by cheque. You can choose to make your payment in full upon registration, or in two installments, one with your application, and one by September 30, 2018.

The application period will be from January 5-June 30, 2018. Applicants will be contacted upon registration, and acceptance into the program will be ongoing throughout this period, until the program is full.

The program will have a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 18 participants. Please consider your ability to commit carefully. Because the fees are set to cover basic expenses, cancellations greatly affect the group and the funds we have to cover venues. Cancellations after September 30, 2018 will be refunded except for a $30 cancellation fee. Depending on the number of retreatants and the financial circumstances of the program, cancellations after October 30 may not be able to be refunded.

With Appreciation

This program is adapted by Susie Harrington from the Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Dedicated Practitioner Program (DPP). While many changes have been made, gratitude is extended to Sally Clough and Eugene Cash for developing that program and allowing us to use some of the materials they developed.

Program teachers

Susie Harrington teaches meditation nationwide and is the guiding teacher for Desert Dharma, which serves many communities in the Southwest near her home in Moab, Utah. She has trained in the Insight tradition since 1989, and in 2005 was invited into teaching by Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, and Guy Armstrong. Her teaching is deeply grounded in the body and often emphasizes the expression of mindfulness in speech and daily life. Susie brings the skills of inquiry, relational dharma, and the psychological/spiritual interface from her training in Hakomi Therapy and the Diamond Approach. Believing nature to be a profound teacher, and a gateway to our true self, she often offers retreats outside. For more information about Susie Harrington, see:

Jeanne Corrigal has been practicing since 1999, and teaching since 2012. She is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioner Course and Community Dharma Leader Program, with Guy Armstrong as her mentor. She is currently a teacher trainee in the 2017-2021 Insight Meditation Society teacher training program, with Joseph Goldstein. She joyfully teaches and leads with the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community, and other communities in Canada. Jeanne is also a certified MBSR teacher. She feels especially moved by lovingkindness and nature practices. Jeanne is Metis, and one of her first teachers in loving presence was Cree Elder Jim Settee.

For more information

Contact the program registrar, Doris Larson, at